28 Aug 2021 by Brent Stowe

After last nights game, I feel it is important to remind everyone in the Lions family of the commitment forms signed by players and parents during registration. Although I am unable to take corrective actions with everyone during the game, as a family we should encourage one another to adhere to these principles when myself or other board members are not around. With that being said, there is so much passion in a football game from the players and fans, and I love to see it come out. But we have to be able to control it and honor Him in all we do. Below are parts of the commitment letter.

As a parent, I understand the Northside Lions Sports Association (NSL) is making a commitment to reinforce the Christian ideals and lifestyle that I am teaching my child, and that all decisions made and discipline issued are a result of that goal.
I understand NSL’s priority is honoring God first, then winning games second
I will maintain a positive attitude no matter how fair I perceive the officiating and coaching to be. Whether we win or lose, I will have self-control and not participate in profane language or unsportsmanlike behavior.
I will promote sportsmanship and Christlike love through my words and actions, striving to never speak poorly of players, board members, or the coaches.
While no one is perfect, I will do my best to live a life that honors God. I understand that when I am in public, I represent the Northside Lions Football Team but, more importantly, I represent the family of God. I understand NSL will hold a high standard for my player in the following: effort in education, language used on and off the field, and social media presence. I understand that my player can be held accountable to the team by teammates and coaches, including disciplinary action from coaches involving practice and game participation.

Brent Stowe
Lions President

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